Fly Here
Grays Creek (2GC) CTAF: 122.9
Apt elev: 160' MSL Rwy 17-35: 3500' x 30'.
Fuel available: 100LL
Attended Mon–Fri 8:00-5:00.
After hours fuel service, call Cindy (910) 286-3435.
Airport Notes
All traffic is Left.
When departing 35 - turn Crosswind at 500' MSL to avoid KFAY airspace.
Pattern altitude is 1000' MSL.
Taxi on the grass apron at a slow speed due to uneven sod surface.
We only allow one aircraft at a time to do pattern work.
No touch & go's on Sunday or at night. Noise sensitive areas southeast of airport.
Any questions, comments or request for flight training information?
Insterested in Flying with Us?
Call today to schedule a Discovery Flight.
Flight School Office (910) 223-0567 or
Kelly, Flight School Manager, (910) 257-5807
Gray's Creek Airport: 7154 Butler Nursery Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306