Fly Here
Grays Creek (2GC) CTAF: 122.9
Apt elev: 160' MSL Rwy 17-35: 3500' x 30'.
Fuel available: 100LL
Attended Mon–Fri 8:00-5:00.
After hours fuel service, call Cindy (910) 286-3435.
Airport Notes
All traffic is Left.
When departing on Runway 35: turn Crosswind at 500' MSL to avoid KFAY airspace.
Pattern altitude is 1000' MSL.
Taxi on the grass apron at a slow speed due to uneven sod surface.
We only allow one aircraft at a time to do pattern work.
No touch & go's on Sunday or at night.
Noise sensitive areas southeast of airport.
Pattern work on Sunday only allowed between 1:00 - 6:00 pm and only if you're about to solo.
Drive Here
Our address is 7154 Butler Nursery Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306
When you get to the gravel driveway, follow it to the LEFT, behind the hangars.
You'll come to an open grass area, park anywhere there.
You'll see the school sign on the hangar.
The entrance is inside the hangar to the RIGHT.
Any questions, comments or request for flight training information?
Insterested in Flying with Us?
Call today to schedule a Discovery Flight.
Flight School Office (910) 223-0567 or
Kelly, Flight School Manager, (910) 257-5807
Gray's Creek Airport: 7154 Butler Nursery Road, Fayetteville, NC 28306